Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#10 accepted task

Create tests for the bookmarks application

Reported by: peter Owned by: peter
Priority: major Component: tests
Keywords: Cc:
Project: BookmarksApp


Create tests for:

  • model
  • web application

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by peter

  • Status changed from new to accepted

[92/bookmarks]: added basic test of the web app and the Bookmark class

To make the application testable, BookmarksApp now does not require a config_file to be set, and can just be configured via a config hash in the constructor. In addition, authentication and reverse proxy rewriting are now conditionally enabled based on whether there is an auth and proxy_ip key in the config, respecitvely.

Added Plack 1.0036 to the cpanfile dependencies, since that is the version that contains Plack::Test.

Also fixed the Bookmarks::create_tables() method to load the bookmarks.sql file from the correct location.

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