
More Code

I have begun the process of migrating my source code repositories from SVN to Git, and placing the public versions of these repositories on GitHub. In addition, there are several projects that only exist in Git.


This is my personal bookmark organizer, as a replacement for using It is partially inspired by Jeremy Keith's home-grown bookmarking as well as Pinboard. In its earliest stages, it was a Perl CGI application built with the CGI::Application framework, but I have since switched it to a PSGI application using Plack that runs on Starman.

The production version of this is running at The main list page is designed to be loaded as a browser sidebar in Firefox.

More infoSource code


This is my collection of idiosyncratic tools for managing my CD collection. It includes tools to rip from CD to FLAC files, and for getting and using metadata from MusicBrainz, for converting from FLAC to MP3 or WAV, and for burning the FLAC files back to CDs with (hopefully) perfect round-tripping of the table of contents.

Source code

Script Formatter

Takes a Shakespearean script formatted as a spreadsheet and produces nicely formatted output.

Source code (GitHub)

Recipe Cards

A simple set of scripts and stylesheets for converting a text format for writing recipes into nicely formatted PDF files suitable for printing. It inserts such typographical niceties as vulgar fractions, en dashes for numerical ranges, and degree and inch symbols instead of textual abbreviations.

Source code (GitHub)Source code (Archived)


See Text::FormBuilder on the CPAN.

Source code (GitHub)Archived source code


See MP3::Find on the CPAN.

Source code (GitHub)Archived source code


See Tie::Scalar::Timestamp on the CPAN.

Source code (GitHub)

See Also

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 01/18/17 01:36:26