# # ChangeLog for trunk/lib/Class in text-formbuilder # # Generated by Trac 1.0 # 03/31/25 14:33:02 \ \ Thu, 21 Apr 2005 14:48:19 GMT peichman [82] \ \ * trunk/Changes (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/lib/Class/ParseText/Base.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/lib/Text/FormBuilder.pm (modified) \ \ added a $parser->{debug} attribute to Class::ParseText::Base that ... \ \ \ Fri, 25 Mar 2005 17:03:52 GMT peichman [75] \ \ * trunk/lib/Class/ParseText/Base.pm (modified) \ \ completed and documented the parse_handle method \ \ \ Thu, 13 Jan 2005 19:32:57 GMT peichman [55] \ \ * trunk/Makefile.PL (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/lib/Class/ParseText/Base.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/lib/Text/FormBuilder.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/lib/Text/FormBuilder/grammar (modified) \ \ updated version number added Class::Base to dependancies laid ... \ \ \ Mon, 10 Jan 2005 16:29:49 GMT peichman [53] \ \ * trunk/Changes (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/MANIFEST (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/bin/fb.pl (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/lib/Class (added) \ \ \ * trunk/lib/Class/ParseText (added) \ \ \ * trunk/lib/Class/ParseText/Base.pm (added) \ \ \ * trunk/lib/Text/FormBuilder.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/t/Text-FormBuilder.t (modified) \ \ separated basic parser using code out into a separate ... \ \