# # ChangeLog for trunk in bookmarks # # Generated by Trac 1.0 # 02/04/25 01:47:21 \ \ Tue, 04 Feb 2014 20:31:28 GMT peter [67] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkController.pm (modified) \ \ changed method name in BookmarkController from `_check_modified()` to ... \ \ \ Tue, 04 Feb 2014 20:21:17 GMT peter [66] \ \ * trunk/Bookmark.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/BookmarkController.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/bookmark.tt (modified) \ \ - the ''bookmark.tt'' template takes a hash or object named `bookmark` ... \ \ \ Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:04:40 GMT peter [65] \ \ * trunk/app.psgi (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/start (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/stop (added) \ \ - added a ''stop'' shell script - ''start'' takes an optional config ... \ \ \ Tue, 10 Sep 2013 20:54:01 GMT peter [64] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkController.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/bookmark.tt (modified) \ \ - provide wayback machine links to the bookmarked URI at the ctime and ... \ \ \ Fri, 06 Sep 2013 15:47:20 GMT peter [63] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkController.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/app.psgi (modified) \ \ - renamed controller methods: - create --> create_and_redirect ... \ \ \ Fri, 23 Aug 2013 21:26:14 GMT peter [62] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkController.pm (modified) \ \ - removed unused code from the feed() method of the BookmarkController ... \ \ \ Fri, 23 Aug 2013 20:50:59 GMT peter [61] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkController.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/api (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/app.psgi (modified) \ \ - wrap the creation of the Bookmarks object into the BookmarkController ... \ \ \ Fri, 23 Aug 2013 19:43:01 GMT peter [60] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp (deleted) \ \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (deleted) \ \ \ * trunk/app.psgi (modified) \ \ - removed CGI::Application-based code - removed commented out code ... \ \ \ Fri, 23 Aug 2013 19:35:17 GMT peter [59] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkController.pm (copied) \ \ \ * trunk/app.psgi (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/start (modified) \ \ - converted app.psgi from using a CGI::Application::Dispatch dispatcher ... \ \ \ Fri, 16 Aug 2013 04:20:16 GMT peter [58] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ removed the Last-Modified header from the list resource until we have a ... \ \ \ Fri, 16 Aug 2013 04:09:23 GMT peter [57] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ - include a Last-Modified header in the HTML list and individual ... \ \ \ Fri, 16 Aug 2013 01:23:30 GMT peter [56] \ \ * trunk/TODO (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/index.cgi (deleted) \ \ removed the old CGI script (replaced by app.psgi) \ \ \ Fri, 16 Aug 2013 01:00:14 GMT peter [55] \ \ * trunk/app.psgi (modified) \ \ store the digest authentication secret key in the conf.yml file as ... \ \ \ Fri, 16 Aug 2013 00:11:22 GMT peter [54] \ \ * trunk (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/start (added) \ \ - added a shell script to start the server as a daemon - added ... \ \ \ Thu, 15 Aug 2013 23:48:39 GMT peter [53] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp/Dispatch.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/app.psgi (added) \ \ - converted from a regular CGI application to a PSGI web application ... \ \ \ Thu, 15 Aug 2013 19:58:10 GMT peter [52] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ - Bookmarks::get_bookmarks() and Bookmarks::get_cotags() support a ... \ \ \ Fri, 07 Jun 2013 01:47:50 GMT peter [51] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ use Text::CSV::Encoded to write UTF-8 encoded CSV files \ \ \ Wed, 05 Jun 2013 02:03:24 GMT peter [50] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ ensure the HTML link comes last, so that it shows up as the preferred ... \ \ \ Tue, 04 Jun 2013 17:50:54 GMT peter [49] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ added a CSV format response \ \ \ Tue, 04 Jun 2013 16:17:57 GMT peter [48] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/api (modified) \ \ - updated TODOs - tags are returned as space-separated plain text \ \ \ Tue, 04 Jun 2013 00:28:59 GMT peter [47] \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/bkmk (modified) \ \ - added a `create_tables` method to Bookmarks that uses the ... \ \ \ Mon, 03 Jun 2013 21:57:19 GMT peter [46] \ \ * trunk/Bookmark.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ - moved the `update` method from Bookmark to Bookmarks - added a ... \ \ \ Mon, 03 Jun 2013 21:43:16 GMT peter [45] \ \ * trunk/Bookmark.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp/Dispatch.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/TODO (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/bookmark.tt (modified) \ \ - created a separate `edit` runmode to edit existing bookmarks; handled ... \ \ \ Fri, 31 May 2013 18:56:12 GMT peter [44] \ \ * trunk/Bookmark.pm (modified) \ \ - make the id, ctime, and mtime attributes of Bookmark read-only - ... \ \ \ Fri, 31 May 2013 16:40:09 GMT peter [43] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ - don't append an extra '/' to the end of the base_uri - save the ... \ \ \ Thu, 30 May 2013 19:19:16 GMT peter [42] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp (added) \ \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp/Dispatch.pm (copied) \ \ \ * trunk/index.cgi (modified) \ \ put the BookmarkApp::Dispatch class into its own file \ \ \ Thu, 30 May 2013 19:15:05 GMT peter [41] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/index.cgi (modified) \ \ - move the reverse proxy check and change to SERVER_NAME from the ... \ \ \ Wed, 29 May 2013 05:04:45 GMT peter [40] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/bookmark.tt (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ - include the "format=text" query parameter for the text/uri-list list ... \ \ \ Mon, 27 May 2013 19:54:30 GMT peter [39] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ - include bookmark tags as Atom categories for the entry - include ... \ \ \ Mon, 27 May 2013 19:21:58 GMT peter [38] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ - put the list of links to alternate formats for the list into a ... \ \ \ Mon, 27 May 2013 18:46:49 GMT peter [37] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ - moved the creation of the $bookmarks and $base_uri objects into the ... \ \ \ Sat, 25 May 2013 06:56:47 GMT peter [36] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ - the XBEL creation uses the accessors insead of direct hash access of ... \ \ \ Sat, 25 May 2013 06:01:08 GMT peter [35] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ simplified the processing of the tag query parameter \ \ \ Fri, 24 May 2013 15:58:38 GMT peter [34] \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ moved the bookmarklet link into the refine div, so it does not get ... \ \ \ Fri, 24 May 2013 05:26:04 GMT peter [33] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ - generate Atom 1.0 feeds - include an element in each ... \ \ \ Fri, 24 May 2013 05:04:09 GMT peter [32] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ - include any tag query parameters in the Atom feed id, self link, and ... \ \ \ Fri, 24 May 2013 04:51:05 GMT peter [31] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ - the Atom feed understands multiple tag query parameters - the Atom ... \ \ \ Thu, 23 May 2013 21:07:58 GMT peter [30] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/api (added) \ \ \ * trunk/index.cgi (modified) \ \ - added a separate run mode for the field resources (view_field) - ... \ \ \ Thu, 23 May 2013 20:41:22 GMT peter [29] \ \ * trunk/index.cgi (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ added the javascript bookmarklet link to the bottom of the list view \ \ \ Thu, 23 May 2013 05:08:27 GMT peter [28] \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ only update the mtime of an existing bookmark if its tags change \ \ \ Thu, 23 May 2013 04:54:34 GMT peter [27] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ - protect the specific field request with an eval; if it fails because ... \ \ \ Thu, 23 May 2013 04:40:06 GMT peter [26] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/bkmk (modified) \ \ renamed Bookmarks::get_resources() to Bookmarks::get_bookmarks() \ \ \ Thu, 23 May 2013 04:37:57 GMT peter [25] \ \ * trunk/Bookmark.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ - Bookmark uses Moose - the Bookmarks base_uri should be passed ... \ \ \ Thu, 23 May 2013 01:24:00 GMT peter [24] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ Bookmarks takjes an actual URI object as its base_uri attribute \ \ \ Thu, 23 May 2013 01:12:00 GMT peter [23] \ \ * trunk/index.cgi (modified) \ \ use the subclass style of CGI::Application::Dispatch \ \ \ Wed, 22 May 2013 20:08:09 GMT peter [22] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ - construct the link attributes and hrefs in the BookmarkApp instead of ... \ \ \ Tue, 21 May 2013 22:19:33 GMT peter [21] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ - added links to the JSON and XBEL formats of the current list - all ... \ \ \ Tue, 21 May 2013 21:55:34 GMT peter [20] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/bkmk (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ - Bookmarks::get_resources() and Bookmarks::get_cotags() both accept ... \ \ \ Tue, 21 May 2013 17:48:46 GMT peter [19] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ added support for viewing the list of bookmarks as XBEL \ \ \ Tue, 21 May 2013 17:48:16 GMT peter [18] \ \ * trunk/TODO (modified) \ \ updated TODOs \ \ \ Thu, 28 Mar 2013 21:17:24 GMT peter [17] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ - use the canonical form of the base URI in the feed id - use the ... \ \ \ Fri, 08 Mar 2013 17:57:18 GMT peter [16] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ - added a link to the feed by tag if a ?tag is specified - if a ?tag ... \ \ \ Sun, 10 Feb 2013 02:02:43 GMT peter [15] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/bkmk (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/bookmarks.sql (modified) \ \ - Bookmarks uses Moose instead of Class::Accessor - if not dbh is ... \ \ \ Sat, 09 Feb 2013 18:36:50 GMT peter [14] \ \ * trunk/bkmk (modified) \ \ - added a basic "list" action to the bkmk script \ \ \ Sat, 19 Jan 2013 22:16:14 GMT peter [13] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ - the list of bookmarks accepts limit and offset parameters \ \ \ Sun, 17 Jun 2012 21:24:13 GMT peter [12] \ \ * trunk/TODO (added) \ \ added a TODO list \ \ \ Thu, 07 Jun 2012 22:05:23 GMT peter [11] \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ - moved the display of tags for a bookmark to below the link in the list ... \ \ \ Wed, 11 Apr 2012 00:00:10 GMT peter [10] \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ - increased the height of the bookmarks list - hid the "cotags" ... \ \ \ Sun, 25 Mar 2012 19:45:11 GMT peter [9] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/index.cgi (modified) \ \ * use SQL::Interp to generate the SQL for `Bookmarks::get_resources()` ... \ \ \ Sat, 24 Mar 2012 03:55:45 GMT peter [8] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ pass the canonical base URI to Bookmarks \ \ \ Sat, 24 Mar 2012 03:50:49 GMT peter [7] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (modified) \ \ * added a `base_uri` property to the Bookmarks class; if present, it ... \ \ \ Sat, 24 Mar 2012 02:43:34 GMT peter [6] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (modified) \ \ using CGI::Application::Plugin::TT instead of Template directly for ... \ \ \ Sat, 24 Mar 2012 02:29:38 GMT peter [5] \ \ * trunk/BookmarkApp.pm (added) \ \ \ * trunk/index.cgi (modified) \ \ Switched to using CGI::Application and CGI::Application::Dispatch for ... \ \ \ Sun, 11 Mar 2012 22:23:54 GMT peter [4] \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ Use a smaller font for the bookmark list items \ \ \ Sat, 03 Mar 2012 01:51:06 GMT peter [3] \ \ * trunk/bookmark.tt (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/index.cgi (modified) \ \ \ * trunk/list.tt (modified) \ \ - Added a base URL to the list, guarenteed to end in "bookmarks/" - ... \ \ \ Fri, 02 Mar 2012 23:36:57 GMT peter [2] \ \ * trunk/Bookmark.pm (added) \ \ \ * trunk/Bookmarks.pm (added) \ \ \ * trunk/bkmk (added) \ \ \ * trunk/bookmark.tt (added) \ \ \ * trunk/bookmarks.sql (added) \ \ \ * trunk/import (added) \ \ \ * trunk/index.cgi (added) \ \ \ * trunk/list.tt (added) \ \ Added exisiting bookmarks project files \ \ \ Fri, 02 Mar 2012 23:30:42 GMT peter [1] \ \ * branches (added) \ \ \ * tags (added) \ \ \ * trunk (added) \ \ Initial repository structure \ \