package Text::FormBuilder::Parser; use Parse::RecDescent; { my $ERRORS; package Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser; use strict; use vars qw($skip $AUTOLOAD ); $skip = '\s*'; my ($title, $author, %lists, %patterns, @fields, $type, @options, $list_var, $size, $rows, $cols); ; { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {0}; # PRETEND TO BE IN Parse::RecDescent NAMESPACE *Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::AUTOLOAD = sub { no strict 'refs'; $AUTOLOAD =~ s/^Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser/Parse::RecDescent/; goto &{$AUTOLOAD}; } } push @Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::ISA, 'Parse::RecDescent'; # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::row_col { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"row_col"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [row_col]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{row_col}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/\\d+/ /,\\s*/ /\\d+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{row_col}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{row_col}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{row_col}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/\\d+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{row_col}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:\d+)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/,\\s*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{row_col}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/,\\s*/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:,\s*)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/\\d+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{row_col}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/\\d+/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:\d+)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN3__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{row_col}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $rows = $item[1]; $cols = $item[3] }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/\\d+/ /,\\s*/ /\\d+/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{row_col}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{row_col}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{row_col}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{row_col}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{row_col}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::options { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"options"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [options]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['\{' '\}']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{options}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{options}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['\{']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\{//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying operator: []}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); $_tok = undef; OPLOOP: while (1) { $repcount = 0; my @item; # MATCH LEFTARG Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [option]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{option})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::option($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [option]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{option}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } $repcount++; my $savetext = $text; my $backtrack; # MATCH (OP RIGHTARG)(s) while ($repcount < 100000000) { $backtrack = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/,\\s*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/,\\s*/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:,\s*)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; pop @item; if (defined $1) {push @item, $item{'option(s)'}=$1; $backtrack=1;} Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [option]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{option})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::option($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [option]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{option}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } $savetext = $text; $repcount++; } $text = $savetext; pop @item if $backtrack; unless (@item) { undef $_tok; last } $_tok = [ @item ]; last; } unless ($repcount>=1) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<]>>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched operator: []<< (return value: [} . qq{@{$_tok||[]}} . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{'option(s)'}=$_tok||[]; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['\}']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{'\}'})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\}//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['\{' '\}']<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{options}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{options}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{options}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::list_def { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"list_def"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [list_def]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['!list' list_name static_list, or dynamic_list]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{list_def}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{list_def}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['!list']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\!list//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [list_name]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{list_name})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::list_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [list_name]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{list_name}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{static_list, or dynamic_list})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $lists{$item{list_name}} = [ @options ]; @options = () }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['!list' list_name static_list, or dynamic_list]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{list_def}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{list_def}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::field_size { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"field_size"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [field_size]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['[' row_col, or size ']']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{field_size}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{field_size}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['[']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\[//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{row_col, or size})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [']']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{']'})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\]//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['[' row_col, or size ']']<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{field_size}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{field_size}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::author { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"author"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [author]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{author}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['!author' /.*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{author}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{author}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{author}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['!author']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{author}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\!author//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/.*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{author}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/.*/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:.*)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{author}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $author = $item[2] }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['!author' /.*/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{author}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{author}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{author}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{author}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{author}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::list_name { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"list_name"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [list_name]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{list_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/[A-Z_]+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{list_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{list_name}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{list_name}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/[A-Z_]+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:[A-Z_]+)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/[A-Z_]+/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{list_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{list_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{list_name}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{list_name}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::size { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"size"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [size]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/\\d+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{size}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{size}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/\\d+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:\d+)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $size = $item[1] }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/\\d+/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{size}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{size}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::identifier { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"identifier"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [identifier]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{identifier}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/\\w+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{identifier}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{identifier}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{identifier}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/\\w+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{identifier}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:\w+)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/\\w+/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{identifier}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{identifier}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{identifier}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{identifier}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{identifier}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::blank { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"blank"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [blank]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{blank}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: []}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{blank}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{blank}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{blank}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: []<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{blank}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{blank}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{blank}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{blank}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{blank}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::option { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"option"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [option]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [value display_text]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{option}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{option}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [value]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::value($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [value]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{value}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [display_text]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{display_text})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::display_text, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [display_text]<< (} . @$_tok . q{ times)}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{display_text(?)}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { push @options, { $item{value} => $item{'display_text(?)'}[0] } }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [value display_text]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{option}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{option}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{option}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::pattern_name { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"pattern_name"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [pattern_name]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{pattern_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/[A-Z_]+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{pattern_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{pattern_name}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{pattern_name}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/[A-Z_]+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:[A-Z_]+)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/[A-Z_]+/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{pattern_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{pattern_name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{pattern_name}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{pattern_name}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::validate { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"validate"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [validate]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{validate}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['//' value]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{validate}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{validate}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{validate}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['//']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{validate}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\/\///) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [value]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{validate}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{value})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::value($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{validate}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [value]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{validate}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{value}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['//' value]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{validate}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{validate}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{validate}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{validate}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{validate}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::list_var { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"list_var"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [list_var]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{list_var}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/@[A-Z_]+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{list_var}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{list_var}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{list_var}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/@[A-Z_]+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_var}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:@[A-Z_]+)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_var}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $list_var = $item[1] }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/@[A-Z_]+/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{list_var}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{list_var}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{list_var}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{list_var}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{list_var}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::field { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"field"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [field]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [name field_size label hint type default option_list validate]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{field}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{field}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [name]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [name]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{name}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [field_size]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{field_size})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::field_size, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [field_size]<< (} . @$_tok . q{ times)}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{field_size(?)}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [label]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{label})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::label, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [label]<< (} . @$_tok . q{ times)}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{label(?)}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [hint]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{hint})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::hint, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [hint]<< (} . @$_tok . q{ times)}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{hint(?)}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [type]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{type})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::type, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [type]<< (} . @$_tok . q{ times)}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{type(?)}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [default]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{default})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::default, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [default]<< (} . @$_tok . q{ times)}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{default(?)}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [option_list]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{option_list})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::option_list, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [option_list]<< (} . @$_tok . q{ times)}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{option_list(?)}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [validate]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{validate})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::validate, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [validate]<< (} . @$_tok . q{ times)}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{validate(?)}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { my $field = { name => $item{name}, label => $item{'label(?)'}[0], comment => $item{'hint(?)'}[0], type => $item{'type(?)'}[0], value => $item{'default(?)'}[0], list => $list_var, validate => $item{'validate(?)'}[0], }; $$field{options} = [ @options ] if @options; $$field{rows} = $rows if defined $rows; $$field{cols} = $cols if defined $cols; $$field{size} = $size if defined $size; push @fields, $field; $type = undef; $list_var = undef; $size = undef; $rows = undef; $cols = undef; @options = (); }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [name field_size label hint type default option_list validate]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{field}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{field}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{field}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [list_def]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [list_def]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::list_def($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [list_def]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{list_def}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [list_def]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [line]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [line]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::line($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [line]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{line}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [line]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::line { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"line"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [line]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { local $skip = defined($skip) ? $skip : $Parse::RecDescent::skip; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [ title, or author, or pattern_def, or field, or comment, or blank '\\n']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{line}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{line}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying directive: []}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = do { my $oldskip = $skip; $skip='[ \t]*'; $oldskip }; if (defined($_tok)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched directive<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; } else { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; } last unless defined $_tok; push @item, $item{__DIRECTIVE1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{title, or author, or pattern_def, or field, or comment, or blank})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['\\n']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{'\\n'})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and do { $_tok = "\n"; 1 } and substr($text,0,length($_tok)) eq $_tok and do { substr($text,0,length($_tok)) = ""; 1; } ) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [ title, or author, or pattern_def, or field, or comment, or blank '\\n']<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{line}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{line}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::option_list { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"option_list"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [option_list]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [options]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{option_list}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{option_list}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [options]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::options($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [options]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{options}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [options]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [list_var]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{option_list}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{option_list}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [list_var]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::list_var($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [list_var]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{list_var}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [list_var]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{option_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{option_list}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{option_list}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [title]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [title]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::title($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [title]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{title}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [title]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [author]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [author]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::author($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [author]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{author}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [author]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [pattern_def]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [pattern_def]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::pattern_def($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [pattern_def]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{pattern_def}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [pattern_def]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [field]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [field]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::field($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [field]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{field}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [field]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [comment]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[4]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [comment]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::comment($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [comment]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{comment}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [comment]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [blank]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[5]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [blank]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::blank($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [blank]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{blank}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [blank]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::value { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"value"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [value]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{value}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [identifier]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{value}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{value}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{value}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [identifier]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{value}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::identifier($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{value}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [identifier]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{value}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{identifier}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [identifier]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{value}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{value}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{value}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{value}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{value}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [row_col]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [row_col]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::row_col($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [row_col]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{row_col}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [row_col]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [size]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [size]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::size($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [size]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{size}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [size]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::name { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"name"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [name]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [identifier]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{name}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{name}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [identifier]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::identifier($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [identifier]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{identifier}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [identifier]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{name}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{name}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{name}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::display_text { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"display_text"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [display_text]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{display_text}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['[' /[^\\]]+/i ']']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{display_text}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{display_text}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{display_text}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['[']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{display_text}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\[//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/[^\\]]+/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{display_text}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/[^\\]]+/i})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:[^\]]+)//i) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [']']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{display_text}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{']'})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\]//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{display_text}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $item[2] }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['[' /[^\\]]+/i ']']<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{display_text}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{display_text}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{display_text}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{display_text}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{display_text}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::default { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"default"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [default]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{default}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['=' /[^\\@\\\{\\s]+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{default}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{default}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{default}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['=']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{default}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\=//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/[^\\@\\\{\\s]+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{default}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/[^\\@\\\{\\s]+/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:[^\@\{\s]+)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['=' /[^\\@\\\{\\s]+/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{default}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{default}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{default}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{default}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{default}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [static_list]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [static_list]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::static_list($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [static_list]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{static_list}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [static_list]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [dynamic_list]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [dynamic_list]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::dynamic_list($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [dynamic_list]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{dynamic_list}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [dynamic_list]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::form_spec { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"form_spec"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [form_spec]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [list_def, or line]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{form_spec}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{form_spec}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [list_def, or line]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec, 1, 100000000, $_noactions,$expectation,undef))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec]<< (} . @$_tok . q{ times)}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec(s)}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = { title => $title, author => $author, lists => \%lists, patterns => \%patterns, fields => \@fields, } }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [list_def, or line]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{form_spec}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{form_spec}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{form_spec}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::pattern { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"pattern"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [pattern]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{pattern}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/.*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{pattern}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{pattern}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{pattern}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/.*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:.*)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/.*/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{pattern}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{pattern}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{pattern}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{pattern}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::comment { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"comment"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [comment]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{comment}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['#' /.*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{comment}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{comment}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{comment}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['#']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{comment}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\#//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/.*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{comment}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/.*/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:.*)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['#' /.*/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{comment}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{comment}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{comment}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{comment}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{comment}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::hint { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"hint"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [hint]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{hint}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['[' /[^\\]]+/ ']']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{hint}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{hint}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{hint}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['[']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{hint}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\[//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/[^\\]]+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{hint}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/[^\\]]+/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:[^\]]+)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [']']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{hint}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{']'})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\]//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{hint}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $item[2] }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['[' /[^\\]]+/ ']']<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{hint}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{hint}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{hint}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{hint}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{hint}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::type { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"type"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [type]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{type}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [':' /textarea|text|password|file|checkbox|radio|select|hidden|static/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{type}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{type}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{type}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [':']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{type}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\://) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/textarea|text|password|file|checkbox|radio|select|hidden|static/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{type}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/textarea|text|password|file|checkbox|radio|select|hidden|static/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:textarea|text|password|file|checkbox|radio|select|hidden|static)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [':' /textarea|text|password|file|checkbox|radio|select|hidden|static/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{type}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{type}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{type}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{type}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{type}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::label { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"label"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [label]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{label}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['|' /[^:\\[\\\{\\/]+/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{label}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{label}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{label}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['|']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{label}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\|//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/[^:\\[\\\{\\/]+/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{label}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/[^:\\[\\\{\\/]+/i})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:[^:\[\{\/]+)//i) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['|' /[^:\\[\\\{\\/]+/i]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{label}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{label}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{label}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{label}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{label}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::title { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"title"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [title]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{title}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['!title' /.*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{title}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{title}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{title}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['!title']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{title}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\!title//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/.*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{title}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/.*/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:.*)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{title}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { warn "[Text::Formbuilder] Title redefined at input text line $thisline\n" if defined $title; $title = $item[2] }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['!title' /.*/]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{title}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{title}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{title}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{title}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{title}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::pattern_def { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"pattern_def"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [pattern_def]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['!pattern' pattern_name pattern]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{pattern_def}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{pattern_def}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['!pattern']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\!pattern//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [pattern_name]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{pattern_name})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::pattern_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [pattern_name]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{pattern_name}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [pattern]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{pattern})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::pattern($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [pattern]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{pattern}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $patterns{$item{pattern_name}} = $item{pattern} }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['!pattern' pattern_name pattern]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{pattern_def}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::dynamic_list { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"dynamic_list"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [dynamic_list]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{dynamic_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { local $skip = defined($skip) ? $skip : $Parse::RecDescent::skip; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['&' ]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{dynamic_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{dynamic_list}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{dynamic_list}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['&']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{dynamic_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\&//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying directive: []}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{dynamic_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = do { Text::Balanced::extract_codeblock($text,undef,$skip,'{}'); }; if (defined($_tok)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched directive<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; } else { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; } last unless defined $_tok; push @item, $item{__DIRECTIVE1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{dynamic_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { my @results = (eval $item[2]); if (ref $results[0] eq 'HASH') { @options = @results; } else { @options = map { { $_ => $_ } } @results; } }; unless (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['&' ]<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{dynamic_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{dynamic_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{dynamic_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{dynamic_list}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{dynamic_list}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::static_list { my $thisparser = $_[0]; use vars q{$tracelevel}; local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"static_list"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [static_list]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; while (!$_matched && !$commit) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['\{' /,?/ '\}']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0]; $text = $_[1]; my $_savetext; @item = (q{static_list}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{static_list}); my $repcount = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['\{']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\{//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying operator: []}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(q{})->at($text); $_tok = undef; OPLOOP: while (1) { $repcount = 0; my @item; # MATCH LEFTARG Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [option]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{option})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::option($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [option]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{option}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } $repcount++; my $savetext = $text; my $backtrack; # MATCH (OP RIGHTARG)(s) while ($repcount < 100000000) { $backtrack = 0; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/,\\s*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/,\\s*/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:,\s*)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&; pop @item; if (defined $1) {push @item, $item{'option(s)'}=$1; $backtrack=1;} Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [option]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(q{option})->at($text); unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser::option($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg }))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [option]<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{option}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; } $savetext = $text; $repcount++; } $text = $savetext; pop @item if $backtrack; unless (@item) { undef $_tok; last } $_tok = [ @item ]; last; } unless ($repcount>=1) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<]>>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched operator: []<< (return value: [} . qq{@{$_tok||[]}} . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{'option(s)'}=$_tok||[]; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/,?/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{/,?/})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:,?)//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['\}']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{'\}'})->at($text); unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\}//) { $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['\{' /,?/ '\}']<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{static_list}, $tracelevel) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{static_list}, $tracelevel); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{static_list}, $tracelevel) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } } package Text::FormBuilder::Parser; sub new { my $self = bless( { '_AUTOTREE' => undef, 'localvars' => '', 'startcode' => '', '_check' => { 'thisoffset' => '', 'itempos' => '', 'prevoffset' => '', 'prevline' => '', 'prevcolumn' => '', 'thiscolumn' => '' }, 'namespace' => 'Parse::RecDescent::Text::FormBuilder::Parser', '_AUTOACTION' => undef, 'rules' => { 'row_col' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 3, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '\\d+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/\\\\d+/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 82, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ), bless( { 'pattern' => ',\\s*', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__', 'description' => '/,\\\\s*/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 82, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ), bless( { 'pattern' => '\\d+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN3__', 'description' => '/\\\\d+/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 82, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 83, 'code' => '{ $rows = $item[1]; $cols = $item[3] }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'row_col', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 82 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'options' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'option' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 2, 'dircount' => 1, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 0, 'op' => [], 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '{', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'\\{\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 95 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'expected' => '', 'min' => 1, 'name' => '\'option(s)\'', 'max' => 100000000, 'leftarg' => bless( { 'subrule' => 'option', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 95 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), 'rightarg' => bless( { 'subrule' => 'option', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 95 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__', 'type' => 'leftop', 'op' => bless( { 'pattern' => ',\\s*', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/,\\\\s*/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 95, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ) }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Operator' ), bless( { 'pattern' => '}', 'hashname' => '__STRING2__', 'description' => '\'\\}\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 95 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'options', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 95 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'list_def' => bless( { 'impcount' => 1, 'calls' => [ 'list_name', '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 1, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '!list', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'!list\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 14 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'list_name', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 14 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), bless( { 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => 'static_list, or dynamic_list', 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 14 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 15, 'code' => '{ $lists{$item{list_name}} = [ @options ]; @options = () }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'list_def', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 14 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'field_size' => bless( { 'impcount' => 1, 'calls' => [ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 2, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '[', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'[\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 77 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => 'row_col, or size', 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 77 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), bless( { 'pattern' => ']', 'hashname' => '__STRING2__', 'description' => '\']\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 77 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'field_size', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 77 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'author' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 1, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '!author', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'!author\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 37 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'pattern' => '.*', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/.*/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 37, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 38, 'code' => '{ $author = $item[2] }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'author', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 37 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'list_name' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '[A-Z_]+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/[A-Z_]+/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 29, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'list_name', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 29 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'size' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '\\d+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/\\\\d+/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 79, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 80, 'code' => '{ $size = $item[1] }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'size', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 79 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'identifier' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '\\w+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/\\\\w+/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 111, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'identifier', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 111 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'blank' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'blank', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 109 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'option' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'value', 'display_text' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'value', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 99 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'display_text', 'expected' => undef, 'min' => 0, 'argcode' => undef, 'max' => 1, 'matchrule' => 0, 'repspec' => '?', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 99 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 100, 'code' => '{ push @options, { $item{value} => $item{\'display_text(?)\'}[0] } }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'option', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 99 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'pattern_name' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '[A-Z_]+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/[A-Z_]+/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 43, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'pattern_name', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 43 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'validate' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'value' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 1, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '//', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'//\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 106 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'value', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 106 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'validate', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 106 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'list_var' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '@[A-Z_]+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/@[A-Z_]+/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 97, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 97, 'code' => '{ $list_var = $item[1] }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'list_var', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 97 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'field' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'name', 'field_size', 'label', 'hint', 'type', 'default', 'option_list', 'validate' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'name', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 46 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'field_size', 'expected' => undef, 'min' => 0, 'argcode' => undef, 'max' => 1, 'matchrule' => 0, 'repspec' => '?', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 46 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'label', 'expected' => undef, 'min' => 0, 'argcode' => undef, 'max' => 1, 'matchrule' => 0, 'repspec' => '?', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 46 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'hint', 'expected' => undef, 'min' => 0, 'argcode' => undef, 'max' => 1, 'matchrule' => 0, 'repspec' => '?', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 46 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'type', 'expected' => undef, 'min' => 0, 'argcode' => undef, 'max' => 1, 'matchrule' => 0, 'repspec' => '?', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 46 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'default', 'expected' => undef, 'min' => 0, 'argcode' => undef, 'max' => 1, 'matchrule' => 0, 'repspec' => '?', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 46 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'option_list', 'expected' => undef, 'min' => 0, 'argcode' => undef, 'max' => 1, 'matchrule' => 0, 'repspec' => '?', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 46 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'validate', 'expected' => undef, 'min' => 0, 'argcode' => undef, 'max' => 1, 'matchrule' => 0, 'repspec' => '?', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 46 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 47, 'code' => '{ my $field = { name => $item{name}, label => $item{\'label(?)\'}[0], comment => $item{\'hint(?)\'}[0], type => $item{\'type(?)\'}[0], value => $item{\'default(?)\'}[0], list => $list_var, validate => $item{\'validate(?)\'}[0], }; $$field{options} = [ @options ] if @options; $$field{rows} = $rows if defined $rows; $$field{cols} = $cols if defined $cols; $$field{size} = $size if defined $size; push @fields, $field; $type = undef; $list_var = undef; $size = undef; $rows = undef; $cols = undef; @options = (); }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'field', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 46 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'list_def', 'line' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'list_def', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ), bless( { 'number' => '1', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'line', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'line' => bless( { 'impcount' => 1, 'calls' => [ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 1, 'dircount' => 1, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__', 'name' => '', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 31, 'code' => 'my $oldskip = $skip; $skip=\'[ \\t]*\'; $oldskip' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Directive' ), bless( { 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => 'title, or author, or pattern_def, or field, or comment, or blank', 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 31 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), bless( { 'pattern' => '\\n', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'\\\\n\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 31 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::InterpLit' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'line', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 31 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'option_list' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'options', 'list_var' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'options', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 93 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ), bless( { 'number' => '1', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'list_var', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 93 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => 93 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'option_list', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 93 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'title', 'author', 'pattern_def', 'field', 'comment', 'blank' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'title', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ), bless( { 'number' => '1', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'author', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ), bless( { 'number' => '2', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'pattern_def', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ), bless( { 'number' => '3', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'field', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ), bless( { 'number' => '4', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'comment', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ), bless( { 'number' => '5', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'blank', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_line', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'value' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'identifier' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'identifier', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 102 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'value', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 102 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'row_col', 'size' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'row_col', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ), bless( { 'number' => '1', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'size', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_field_size', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'name' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'identifier' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'identifier', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 75 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'name', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 75 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'display_text' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 2, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '[', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'[\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 104 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'pattern' => '[^\\]]+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/[^\\\\]]+/i', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 104, 'mod' => 'i', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ), bless( { 'pattern' => ']', 'hashname' => '__STRING2__', 'description' => '\']\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 104 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 104, 'code' => '{ $item[2] }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'display_text', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 104 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'default' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 1, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '=', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'=\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 91 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'pattern' => '[^\\@\\{\\s]+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/[^\\\\@\\\\\\{\\\\s]+/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 91, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'default', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 91 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'static_list', 'dynamic_list' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'static_list', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ), bless( { 'number' => '1', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => 'dynamic_list', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ) ], 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_list_def', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 112 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'form_spec' => bless( { 'impcount' => 1, 'calls' => [ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_form_spec', 'expected' => 'list_def, or line', 'min' => 1, 'argcode' => undef, 'max' => 100000000, 'matchrule' => 0, 'repspec' => 's', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 3 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 4, 'code' => '{ $return = { title => $title, author => $author, lists => \\%lists, patterns => \\%patterns, fields => \\@fields, } }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'form_spec', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 3 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'pattern' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 0, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '.*', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/.*/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 44, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'pattern', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 44 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' 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'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'[\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 87 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'pattern' => '[^\\]]+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/[^\\\\]]+/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 87, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ), bless( { 'pattern' => ']', 'hashname' => '__STRING2__', 'description' => '\']\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 87 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 87, 'code' => '{ $item[2] }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'hint', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 87 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'type' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 1, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => ':', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\':\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 89 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'pattern' => 'textarea|text|password|file|checkbox|radio|select|hidden|static', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/textarea|text|password|file|checkbox|radio|select|hidden|static/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 89, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'type', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 89 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'label' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 1, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 0, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '|', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'|\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 85 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'pattern' => '[^:\\[\\{\\/]+', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/[^:\\\\[\\\\\\{\\\\/]+/i', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 85, 'mod' => 'i', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'label', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 85 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'title' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 1, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 1, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '!title', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'!title\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 33 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'pattern' => '.*', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/.*/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 33, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 34, 'code' => '{ warn "[Text::Formbuilder] Title redefined at input text line $thisline\\n" if defined $title; $title = $item[2] }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'title', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 33 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'pattern_def' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'pattern_name', 'pattern' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 1, 'dircount' => 0, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '!pattern', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'!pattern\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 40 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'pattern_name', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 40 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), bless( { 'subrule' => 'pattern', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 40 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 41, 'code' => '{ $patterns{$item{pattern_name}} = $item{pattern} }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'pattern_def', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 40 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'dynamic_list' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 1, 'dircount' => 1, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 0, 'actcount' => 1, 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '&', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'&\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 19 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__', 'name' => '', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 19, 'code' => 'Text::Balanced::extract_codeblock($text,undef,$skip,\'{}\'); ' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Directive' ), bless( { 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 20, 'code' => '{ my @results = (eval $item[2]); if (ref $results[0] eq \'HASH\') { @options = @results; } else { @options = map { { $_ => $_ } } @results; } }' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'dynamic_list', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 19 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ), 'static_list' => bless( { 'impcount' => 0, 'calls' => [ 'option' ], 'changed' => 0, 'opcount' => 0, 'prods' => [ bless( { 'number' => '0', 'strcount' => 2, 'dircount' => 1, 'uncommit' => undef, 'error' => undef, 'patcount' => 2, 'actcount' => 0, 'op' => [], 'items' => [ bless( { 'pattern' => '{', 'hashname' => '__STRING1__', 'description' => '\'\\{\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 17 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ), bless( { 'expected' => '', 'min' => 1, 'name' => '\'option(s)\'', 'max' => 100000000, 'leftarg' => bless( { 'subrule' => 'option', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 17 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), 'rightarg' => bless( { 'subrule' => 'option', 'matchrule' => 0, 'implicit' => undef, 'argcode' => undef, 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 17 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ), 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__', 'type' => 'leftop', 'op' => bless( { 'pattern' => ',\\s*', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__', 'description' => '/,\\\\s*/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 17, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ) }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Operator' ), bless( { 'pattern' => ',?', 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__', 'description' => '/,?/', 'lookahead' => 0, 'rdelim' => '/', 'line' => 17, 'mod' => '', 'ldelim' => '/' }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ), bless( { 'pattern' => '}', 'hashname' => '__STRING2__', 'description' => '\'\\}\'', 'lookahead' => 0, 'line' => 17 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ) ], 'line' => undef }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ) ], 'name' => 'static_list', 'vars' => '', 'line' => 17 }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ) } }, 'Parse::RecDescent' ); }