package Text::FormBuilder; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.04'; use Carp; use Text::FormBuilder::Parser; use CGI::FormBuilder; sub new { my $invocant = shift; my $class = ref $invocant || $invocant; my $self = { parser => Text::FormBuilder::Parser->new, }; return bless $self, $class; } sub parse { my ($self, $filename) = @_; # so it can be called as a class method $self = $self->new unless ref $self; local $/ = undef; open SRC, "< $filename"; my $src = ; close SRC; return $self->parse_text($src); } sub parse_text { my ($self, $src) = @_; # so it can be called as a class method $self = $self->new unless ref $self; $self->{form_spec} = $self->{parser}->form_spec($src); # mark structures as not built (newly parsed text) $self->{built} = 0; return $self; } sub build { my ($self, %options) = @_; # save the build options so they can be used from write_module $self->{build_options} = { %options }; # our custom %options: # form_only: use only the form part of the template my $form_only = $options{form_only}; delete $options{form_only}; # substitute in custom pattern definitions for field validation if (my %patterns = %{ $self->{form_spec}{patterns} }) { foreach (@{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }) { if ($$_{validate} and exists $patterns{$$_{validate}}) { $$_{validate} = $patterns{$$_{validate}}; } } } # remove extraneous undefined values for my $field (@{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }) { defined $$field{$_} or delete $$field{$_} foreach keys %{ $field }; } # so we don't get all fields required foreach (@{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }) { delete $$_{validate} unless $$_{validate}; } # substitute in list names if (my %lists = %{ $self->{form_spec}{lists} }) { foreach (@{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }) { next unless $$_{list}; $$_{list} =~ s/^\@//; # strip leading @ from list var name # a hack so we don't get screwy reference errors if (exists $lists{$$_{list}}) { my @list; push @list, { %$_ } foreach @{ $lists{$$_{list}} }; $$_{options} = \@list; } } continue { delete $$_{list}; } } # TODO: configurable threshold for this foreach (@{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }) { $$_{ulist} = 1 if defined $$_{options} and @{ $$_{options} } >= 3; } $self->{form} = CGI::FormBuilder->new( method => 'GET', javascript => 0, keepextras => 1, title => $self->{form_spec}{title}, fields => [ map { $$_{name} } @{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} } ], template => { type => 'Text', engine => { TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $form_only ? $self->_form_template : $self->_template, DELIMITERS => [ qw(<% %>) ], }, data => { headings => $self->{form_spec}{headings}, author => $self->{form_spec}{author}, description => $self->{form_spec}{description}, }, }, %options, ); $self->{form}->field(%{ $_ }) foreach @{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }; # mark structures as built $self->{built} = 1; return $self; } sub write { my ($self, $outfile) = @_; # automatically call build if needed to # allow the new->parse->write shortcut $self->build unless $self->{built}; if ($outfile) { open FORM, "> $outfile"; print FORM $self->form->render; close FORM; } else { print $self->form->render; } } sub write_module { my ($self, $package, $use_tidy) = @_; croak 'Expecting a package name' unless $package; # automatically call build if needed to # allow the new->parse->write shortcut $self->build unless $self->{built}; # conditionally use Data::Dumper eval 'use Data::Dumper;'; die "Can't write module; need Data::Dumper. $@" if $@; # don't dump $VARn names $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; my $title = $self->{form_spec}{title} || ''; my $author = $self->{form_spec}{author} || ''; my $description = $self->{form_spec}{description} || ''; my $headings = Data::Dumper->Dump([$self->{form_spec}{headings}],['headings']); my $fields = Data::Dumper->Dump([ [ map { $$_{name} } @{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} } ] ],['fields']); my %options = %{ $self->{build_options} }; my $source = $options{form_only} ? $self->_form_template : $self->_template; delete $options{fomr_only}; my $form_options = keys %options > 0 ? Data::Dumper->Dump([$self->{build_options}],['*options']) : ''; my $field_setup = join( "\n", map { '$cgi_form->field' . Data::Dumper->Dump([$_],['*field']) . ';' } @{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} } ); my $module = <new( method => 'GET', params => \$cgi, javascript => 0, keepextras => 1, title => q[$title], fields => $fields, template => { type => 'Text', engine => { TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => q[$source], DELIMITERS => [ qw(<% %>) ], }, data => { headings => $headings, author => q[$author], description => q[$description], }, }, $form_options ); $field_setup return \$cgi_form; } # module return 1; END my $outfile = (split(/::/, $package))[-1] . '.pm'; if ($use_tidy) { # clean up the generated code, if asked eval 'use Perl::Tidy'; die "Can't tidy the code: $@" if $@; Perl::Tidy::perltidy(source => \$module, destination => $outfile); } else { # otherwise, just print as is open FORM, "> $outfile"; print FORM $module; close FORM; } } sub form { my $self = shift; # automatically call build if needed to # allow the new->parse->write shortcut $self->build unless $self->{built}; return $self->{form}; } sub _form_template { q[<% $description ? qq[


] : '' %> <% (grep { $_->{required} } @fields) ? qq[

(Required fields are marked in bold.)

] : '' %> <% $start %> <% my $i; foreach(@fields) { $OUT .= qq[ \n] if $headings[$i]; $OUT .= $$_{invalid} ? qq[ ] : qq[ ]; $OUT .= ''; if ($$_{invalid}) { $OUT .= qq[\n]; } else { $OUT .= qq[\n]; } $i++; } %>


' . ($$_{required} ? qq[$$_{label}:] : "$$_{label}:") . '$$_{field} $$_{comment} Missing or invalid value.
$$_{field} $$_{comment}
<% $submit %>
<% $end %> ]; } sub _template { my $self = shift; q[ <% $title %><% $author ? ' - ' . ucfirst $author : '' %>

<% $title %>

<% $author ? qq[

Created by $author

] : '' %> ] . $self->_form_template . q[
]; } sub dump { eval "use YAML;"; unless ($@) { print YAML::Dump(shift->{form_spec}); } else { warn "Can't dump form spec structure: $@"; } } # module return 1; =head1 NAME Text::FormBuilder - Parser for a minilanguage for generating web forms =head1 SYNOPSIS use Text::FormBuilder; my $parser = Text::FormBuilder->new; $parser->parse($src_file); # returns a new CGI::FormBuilder object with # the fields from the input form spec my $form = $parser->form; =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 new =head2 parse $parser->parse($src_file); # or as a class method my $parser = Text::FormBuilder->parse($src_file); =head2 parse_text $parser->parse_text($src); Parse the given C<$src> text. Returns the parse object. =head2 build $parser->build(%options); Builds the CGI::FormBuilder object. Options directly used by C are: =over =item form_only Only uses the form portion of the template, and omits the surrounding html, title, author, and the standard footer. =back All other options given to C are passed on verbatim to the L constructor. Any options given here override the defaults that this module uses. The C
, C, and C methods will all call C with no options for you if you do not do so explicitly. This allows you to say things like this: my $form = Text::FormBuilder->new->parse('formspec.txt')->form; However, if you need to specify options to C, you must call it explictly after C. =head2 form my $form = $parser->form; Returns the L object. Remember that you can modify this object directly, in order to (for example) dynamically populate dropdown lists or change input types at runtime. =head2 write $parser->write($out_file); # or just print to STDOUT $parser->write; Calls C on the FormBuilder form, and either writes the resulting HTML to a file, or to STDOUT if no filename is given. =head2 write_module $parser->write_module($package, $use_tidy); Takes a package name, and writes out a new module that can be used by your CGI script to render the form. This way, you only need CGI::FormBuilder on your server, and you don't have to parse the form spec each time you want to display your form. The generated module has one function (not exported) called C, that takes a CGI object as its only argument, and returns a CGI::FormBuilder object. First, you parse the formspec and write the module, which you can do as a one-liner: $ perl -MText::FormBuilder -e"Text::FormBuilder->parse('formspec.txt')->write_module('MyForm')" And then, in your CGI script, use the new module: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use CGI; use MyForm; my $q = CGI->new; my $form = MyForm::get_form($q); # do the standard CGI::FormBuilder stuff if ($form->submitted && $form->validate) { # process results } else { print $q->header; print $form->render; } If you pass a true value as the second argument to C, the parser will run L on the generated code before writing the module file. =head2 dump Uses L to print out a human-readable representation of the parsed form spec. =head1 LANGUAGE field_name[size]|descriptive label[hint]:type=default{option1[display string],option2[display string],...}//validate !title ... !author ... !description { ... } !pattern name /regular expression/ !list name { option1[display string], option2[display string], ... } !list name &{ CODE } !head ... =head2 Directives =over =item C Defines a validation pattern. =item C Defines a list for use in a C, C, or C