# field formats # name |label [hint] :type =default {value[display string],value[display string]...} //validate # name|label[hint]:type=default@list//validate # name[size]//validate # name@list # define option lists !list DEPARTMENTS { AMST[American Studies], LING[Linguistics], PHIL[Philosophy], other, none, } !list BUILDINGS { JMZ[Jimenez], KEY[Francis Scott Key], LEF[LeFrak Building], MMH[Marie Mount Hall], SKN[Skinner], TLF[Taliafero], TWS[Tawes], WDS[Woods Hall], } !list YES_NO { yes[I agree], no[I disagree], maybe[I am undecided] } !list EQUIPMENT { computer[Computer], vcr[VCR], dvd[DVD Player], projector[LCD Projector], } !list EXTRA_EQUIPMENT { internet[Internet], zip_drive[ZIP Drive], floppy_disk[Floppy], } !title Equipment Request Form !author the Classroom Support Pilot Project name[40]//VALUE course_number[20]//HIST extension[20][e.g. x51234]//EXT email[40]|Email address[e.g. name@host.domain]//EMAIL building=SKN@BUILDINGS//VALUE room_number[20]//VALUE dept|Department: select = PHIL{ AMST[American Studies], LING[Linguistics], PHIL[Philosophy], none } equip|I need a: checkbox @EQUIPMENT computer_type|Preferred computer type:radio{pc[Windows],mac[Mac]} extra_equip|I would also like: checkbox @EXTRA_EQUIPMENT purpose|This equipment will be used for { lecture[A lecture], students[Student presentations], guest[A guest speaker]} special_needs[8,60]|Additional requests or instructions:textarea on_time|I recieved my equipment promptly: radio =maybe@YES_NO recommend|I would recommend this service to others: radio =maybe@YES_NO