package Text::FormBuilder; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.03'; use Text::FormBuilder::Parser; use CGI::FormBuilder; sub new { my $invocant = shift; my $class = ref $invocant || $invocant; my $self = { parser => Text::FormBuilder::Parser->new, }; return bless $self, $class; } sub parse { my ($self, $filename) = @_; # so it can be called as a class method $self = $self->new unless ref $self; local $/ = undef; open SRC, "< $filename"; my $src = ; close SRC; return $self->parse_text($src); } sub parse_text { my ($self, $src) = @_; # so it can be called as a class method $self = $self->new unless ref $self; $self->{form_spec} = $self->{parser}->form_spec($src); return $self; } sub build { my ($self, %options) = @_; $self->{build_options} = { %options }; # our custom %options: # form_only: use only the form part of the template my $form_only = $options{form_only}; delete $options{form_only}; # substitute in custom pattern definitions for field validation if (my %patterns = %{ $self->{form_spec}{patterns} }) { foreach (@{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }) { if ($$_{validate} and exists $patterns{$$_{validate}}) { $$_{validate} = $patterns{$$_{validate}}; } } } # remove extraneous undefined values for my $field (@{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }) { defined $$field{$_} or delete $$field{$_} foreach keys %{ $field }; } # so we don't get all fields required foreach (@{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }) { delete $$_{validate} unless $$_{validate}; } # substitute in list names if (my %lists = %{ $self->{form_spec}{lists} }) { foreach (@{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }) { next unless $$_{list}; $$_{list} =~ s/^\@//; # strip leading @ from list var name # a hack so we don't get screwy reference errors if (exists $lists{$$_{list}}) { my @list; push @list, { %$_ } foreach @{ $lists{$$_{list}} }; $$_{options} = \@list; } } continue { delete $$_{list}; } } ## #TODO: option switch for this ## #TODO: goes with CGI::FormBuilder 2.13 ## foreach (@{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }) { ## $$_{ulist} = 1 if $$_{type} and $$_{type} =~ /checkbox|radio/ and @{ $$_{options} } >= 3; ## } $self->{form} = CGI::FormBuilder->new( method => 'GET', javascript => 0, keepextras => 1, title => $self->{form_spec}{title}, fields => [ map { $$_{name} } @{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} } ], template => { type => 'Text', engine => { TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $form_only ? $self->_form_template : $self->_template, DELIMITERS => [ qw(<% %>) ], }, data => { headings => $self->{form_spec}{headings}, author => $self->{form_spec}{author}, }, }, %options, ); $self->{form}->field(%{ $_ }) foreach @{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} }; return $self; } sub write { my ($self, $outfile) = @_; if ($outfile) { open FORM, "> $outfile"; print FORM $self->form->render; close FORM; } else { print $self->form->render; } } sub write_module { my ($self, $package) = @_; use Data::Dumper; # don't dump $VARn names $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; my $title = $self->{form_spec}{title} || ''; my $author = $self->{form_spec}{author} || ''; my $headings = Data::Dumper->Dump([$self->{form_spec}{headings}],['headings']); my $fields = Data::Dumper->Dump([ [ map { $$_{name} } @{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} } ] ],['fields']); my $source = $self->{build_options}{form_only} ? $self->_form_template : $self->_template; my $options = keys %{ $self->{build_options} } > 0 ? Data::Dumper->Dump([$self->{build_options}],['*options']) : ''; my $field_setup = join( "\n", map { '$cgi_form->field' . Data::Dumper->Dump([$_],['*field']) . ';' } @{ $self->{form_spec}{fields} } ); my $module = <new( method => 'GET', params => \$cgi, javascript => 0, keepextras => 1, title => q[$title], fields => $fields, template => { type => 'Text', engine => { TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => q[$source], DELIMITERS => [ qw(<% %>) ], }, data => { headings => $headings, author => q[$author], }, }, $options ); $field_setup return \$cgi_form; } # module return 1; END my $outfile = (split(/::/, $package))[-1] . '.pm'; if ($outfile) { open FORM, "> $outfile"; print FORM $module; close FORM; } else { print $module; } } sub form { shift->{form} } sub _form_template { q[

(Required fields are marked in bold.)

<% $start %> <% my $i; foreach(@fields) { $OUT .= qq[ \n] if $headings[$i]; $OUT .= qq[ ]; $OUT .= ''; $OUT .= qq[\n]; $i++; } %>


' . ($$_{required} ? qq[$$_{label}:] : "$$_{label}:") . '$$_{field} $$_{comment}
<% $submit %>
<% $end %> ]; } sub _template { my $self = shift; q[ <% $title %><% $author ? ' - ' . ucfirst $author : '' %>

<% $title %>

<% $author ? qq[

Created by $author

] : '' %> ] . $self->_form_template . q[
]; } sub dump { eval "use YAML;"; unless ($@) { print YAML::Dump(shift->{form_spec}); } else { warn "Can't dump form spec structure: $@"; } } # module return 1; =head1 NAME Text::FormBuilder - Parser for a minilanguage describing web forms =head1 SYNOPSIS my $parser = Text::FormBuilder->new; $parser->parse($src_file); # returns a new CGI::FormBuilder object with the fields # from the input form spec my $form = $parser->form; =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 new =head2 parse $parser->parse($src_file); # or as a class method my $parser = Txt::FormBuilder->parse($src_file); =head2 parse_text =head2 build $parser->build(%options); Builds the CGI::FormBuilder object. Options directly used by C are: =over =item form_only Only uses the form portion of the template, and omits the surrounding html, title, author, and the standard footer. =back All other options given to C are passed on verbatim to the L constructor. Any options given here override the defaults that this module uses. =head2 form my $form = $parser->form; Returns the L object. =head2 write $parser->write($out_file); # or just print to STDOUT $parser->write; Calls C on the FormBuilder form, and either writes the resulting HTML to a file, or to STDOUT if no filename is given. =head2 write_module $parser->write_module($package); Takes a package name, and writes out a new module that can be used by your CGI script to render the form. This way, you only need CGI::FormBuilder on your server, and you don't have to parse the form spec each time you want to display your form. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # your CGI script use CGI; use MyForm; my $q = CGI->new; my $form = MyForm::form($q); # do the standard CGI::FormBuilder stuff if ($form->submitted && $form->validate) { # process results } else { print $q->header; print $form->render; } =head2 dump Uses L to print out a human-readable representaiton of the parsed form spec. =head1 LANGUAGE field_name[size]|descriptive label[hint]:type=default{option1[display string],option2[display string],...}//validate !title ... !author ... !pattern name /regular expression/ !list name { option1[display string], option2[display string], ... } !list name &{ CODE } !head ... =head2 Directives =over =item C Defines a validation pattern. =item C Defines a list for use in a C, C, or C