package MP3::Find::Filesystem; use strict; use warnings; use base 'MP3::Find::Base'; use File::Find; use MP3::Info; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); eval { require Sort::Key; Sort::Key->import(qw(multikeysorter)); use Sort::Key::Natural; }; my $USE_SORT_KEY = $@ ? 0 : 1; eval { require MP3::Tag }; my $CAN_USE_ID3V2 = $@ ? 0 : 1; use_winamp_genres(); sub search { my $self = shift; my ($query, $dirs, $sort, $options) = @_; # prep the search patterns as regexes foreach (keys(%$query)) { my $ref = ref $$query{$_}; # make arrays into 'OR' searches if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { $$query{$_} = '(' . join('|', @{ $$query{$_} }) . ')'; } # convert to a regex unless it already IS a regex unless ($ref eq 'Regexp') { $$query{$_} = "^$$query{$_}\$" if $$options{exact_match}; $$query{$_} = $$options{ignore_case} ? qr[$$query{$_}]i : qr[$$query{$_}]; } } if ($$options{exclude_path}) { my $ref = ref $$options{exclude_path}; if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { $$options{exclude_path} = '(' . join('|', @{ $$options{exclude_path} }) . ')'; } unless ($ref eq 'Regexp') { $$options{exclude_path} = qr[$$options{exclude_path}]; } } if ($$options{use_id3v2} and not $CAN_USE_ID3V2) { # they want to use ID3v2, but don't have MP3::Tag warn "MP3::Tag is required to search ID3v2 tags\n"; } # run the actual find my @results; find(sub { match_mp3($File::Find::name, $query, \@results, $options) }, $_) foreach @$dirs; # sort the results if (@$sort) { if ($USE_SORT_KEY) { # use Sort::Key to do a (hopefully!) faster sort #TODO: profile this; at first glance, it doesn't actually seem to be any faster #warn "Using Sort::Key"; my $sorter = multikeysorter( sub { my $info = $_; map { $info->{uc $_} } @$sort }, map { 'natural' } @$sort ); @results = $sorter->(@results); } else { @results = sort { my $compare; foreach (map { uc } @$sort) { # use Scalar::Util to do the right sort of comparison $compare = (looks_like_number($a->{$_}) && looks_like_number($b->{$_})) ? $a->{$_} <=> $b->{$_} : $a->{$_} cmp $b->{$_}; # we found a field they differ on last if $compare; } return $compare; } @results; } } return @results } sub match_mp3 { my ($filename, $query, $results, $options) = @_; return unless $filename =~ m{[^/]\.mp3$}; if ($$options{exclude_path}) { return if $filename =~ $$options{exclude_path}; } my $mp3 = { FILENAME => $filename, %{ get_mp3tag($filename) || {} }, %{ get_mp3info($filename) || {} }, }; if ($CAN_USE_ID3V2 and $$options{use_id3v2}) { # add ID3v2 tag info, if present my $mp3_tags = MP3::Tag->new($filename); unless (defined $mp3_tags) { warn "Can't get MP3::Tag object for $filename\n"; } else { $mp3_tags->get_tags; if (my $id3v2 = $mp3_tags->{ID3v2}) { for my $frame_id (keys %{ $id3v2->get_frame_ids }) { my ($info) = $id3v2->get_frame($frame_id); if (ref $info eq 'HASH') { # use the "Text" value as the value for this frame, if present $mp3->{$frame_id} = $info->{Text} if exists $info->{Text}; } else { $mp3->{$frame_id} = $info; } } } } } for my $field (keys(%{ $query })) { my $value = $mp3->{uc($field)}; return unless defined $value; return unless $value =~ $query->{$field}; } push @{ $results }, $mp3; } # module return 1; =head1 NAME MP3::Find::Filesystem - File::Find-based backend to MP3::Find =head1 SYNOPSIS use MP3::Find::Filesystem; my $finder = MP3::Find::Filesystem->new; my @mp3s = $finder->find_mp3s( dir => '/home/peter/music', query => { artist => 'ilyaimy', album => 'myxomatosis', }, ignore_case => 1, ); =head1 REQUIRES L, L, L L is also needed if you want to search using ID3v2 tags. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements the C method from L using a L based search of the local filesystem. =head2 Special Options =over =item C Scalar or arrayref; any file whose name matches any of these paths will be skipped. =item C Boolean, defaults to false. If set to true, MP3::Find::Filesystem will use L to get the ID3v2 tag for each file. You can then search for files by their ID3v2 data, using the four-character frame names. This isn't very useful if you are just search by artist or title, but if, for example, you have made use of the C ("Orignal Performer") frame, you could search for all the cover songs in your collection: $finder->find_mp3s(query => { tope => '.' }); As with the basic query keys, ID3v2 query keys are converted to uppercase internally. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHOR Peter Eichman =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2006 by Peter Eichman. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut