#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Test::More; BEGIN { eval { require DBI }; plan skip_all => 'DBI required to use MP3::Find::DB backend' if $@; eval { require DBD::SQLite }; plan skip_all => 'DBD::SQLite required to use MP3::Find::DB backend' if $@; eval { require SQL::Abstract }; plan skip_all => 'SQL::Abstract required to use MP3::Find::DB backend' if $@; use_ok('MP3::Find::DB') }; plan tests => 7; my $SEARCH_DIR = 't/mp3s'; my $DB_FILE = 't/mp3.db'; my $DSN = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$DB_FILE"; my $MP3_COUNT = 1; # exercise the object using the new methods ("create", "update", "sync") my $finder = MP3::Find::DB->new( status_callback => sub {}, # be quiet about updates ); isa_ok($finder, 'MP3::Find::DB'); eval { $finder->create }; ok($@, 'create dies when not given a database name'); eval { $finder->update }; ok($@, 'update dies when not given a database name'); # create a test db unlink $DB_FILE; $finder->create({ dsn => $DSN }); ok(-e $DB_FILE, 'db file is there'); my $count = $finder->update({ dsn => $DSN, dirs => $SEARCH_DIR }); is($count, $MP3_COUNT, 'added all the mp3s to the db'); $count = $finder->sync({ dsn => $DSN }); is($count, 0, 'sync works properly'); # remove the db $finder->destroy_db($DB_FILE); ok(!-e $DB_FILE, 'db file is gone'); #TODO: get some test mp3s #TODO: write a set of common set of test querys and counts for all the backends