#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # one use case: for f in ~/cds/*.flac; do mbid=`./mbz --flac $f --get-release-id`; echo $f $mbid; done; use Getopt::Long; use MusicBrainz; GetOptions( 'flac=s' =>\my $FLAC_FILE, 'get-release-id' => \my $GET_RELEASE_ID, 'xml' =>\my $GET_XML, ); my $discid; if ($FLAC_FILE) { require Audio::FLAC::Header; my $flac = Audio::FLAC::Header->new($FLAC_FILE) or die "Can't read FLAC header from $FLAC_FILE\n"; $discid = $flac->tags('MBZ_DISCID') or die "No MBZ_DISCID tag in $FLAC_FILE\n"; } else { $discid = shift; } # make the output terminal handle UTF-8 characters binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; # just dump the XML, if requested if ($GET_XML) { print lookup_release($discid); exit; } # otherwise, do the full parsing of the data my $info = get_musicbrainz_info($discid); exit unless $info; if ($GET_RELEASE_ID) { print "$$info{MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID}\n"; } else { for my $key (sort keys %{ $info }) { print "$key=$$info{$key}\n" unless ref $info->{$key}; } }