package Ripper; use Moose; use Tracks; use File::Temp qw{tempdir}; use File::Spec::Functions qw{catfile}; use File::Copy; has device => ( is => 'rw' ); has tracks => ( is => 'rw', handles => [qw{read_disc has_tracks get_cuesheet}], ); sub rip_to_flac { my ($self, $archive_flac) = @_; $self->tracks(Tracks->new); $self->read_disc($self->device); die "No tracks found; is there a CD in the drive?\n" unless $self->has_tracks; my $tempdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); my $wav_file = catfile($tempdir, 'cdda.wav'); my $flac_file = catfile($tempdir, 'cdda.flac'); my $cue_file = catfile($tempdir, 'cdda.cue'); # rip my $span = $self->_get_cdparanoia_span; system 'cdparanoia', '-d', $self->device, $span, $wav_file; die "\nRipping canceled\n" if ($? & 127); # encode + cuesheet open my $CUE, "> $cue_file"; print $CUE $self->get_cuesheet; close $CUE; system 'flac', '-o', $flac_file, '--cuesheet', $cue_file, $wav_file; die "\nFLAC encoding canceled\n" if ($? & 127); # MusicBrainz discid metadata my $discid = $self->tracks->discid; # copy to permanent location copy($flac_file, $archive_flac); system 'metaflac', '--set-tag', "MUSICBRAINZ_DISCID=$discid", $archive_flac; } sub _get_cdparanoia_span { my ($self) = @_; # use a msf start unless track 1 begins at sector return $self->tracks->tracks->[1]{sector} == 0 ? '1-' : '00:00.00-'; } # module return 1;