package MusicBrainz; use strict; use warnings; our @ISA = qw{Exporter}; our @EXPORT = qw{get_musicbrainz_info lookup_release}; #use WebService::MusicBrainz; use LWP; use XML::XPath; use XML::XPath::XMLParser; sub lookup_release { my ($discid) = @_; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; #my $uri = URI->new(''); #$uri->query_form(type => 'xml', discid => $discid); my $uri = URI->new("$discid"); $uri->query_form(inc => 'artists+labels+recordings+release-groups+artist-credits'); my $res = $ua->get($uri); # pause for a second, so we don't run afoul of the MusicBrainz API TOS sleep 1; warn $res->status_line, "\n" if $res->code != 200; return if $res->code >= 400; #TODO: if we get a 5xx error, retry? return $res->decoded_content; } sub select_release { my ($xpath, $params) = @_; my $discid = $params->{discid}; my $barcode = $params->{barcode}; if ($barcode) { # try to pick the release automatically by the barcode my @releases = $xpath->findnodes("//release[barcode='$barcode']"); die "Found no releases with discid $discid and barcode $barcode\n" unless @releases; die "Found more than one release with discid $discid and barcode $barcode\n" if @releases > 1; return $releases[0]; } else { my $release_count = $xpath->findvalue('count(//release)'); my @releases = $xpath->findnodes('//release'); my $base = ''; my $i = 1; # present the user with an interactive menu to pick/confirm the correct release ID warn "$release_count release(s) found matching $discid\n"; for my $release (@releases) { warn sprintf "%2d) $base%s %s %s (%s)\n", $i++, $xpath->findvalue('@id', $release)->value, $xpath->findvalue('.//label-info/label/name', $release)->value, $xpath->findvalue('.//label-info/catalog-number', $release)->value, $xpath->findvalue('barcode', $release)->value; } my $selection = 0; while ($selection < 1 || $selection > $release_count) { print STDERR "Select a release (1-$release_count): "; $selection = ; chomp $selection; return if $selection =~ /^q/i; } return $releases[$selection - 1]; } } sub get_musicbrainz_info { my $params = shift; my $discid = $params->{discid}; my %info; $info{MUSICBRAINZ_DISCID} = $discid; my $xpath = XML::XPath->new(); my $xml = lookup_release($discid) || return; $xpath->set_xml($xml); # use the VorbisComment names from here #my $release = $releases[0]; my $release = select_release($xpath, $params); return unless $release; $info{MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID} = $xpath->findvalue('@id', $release)->value; $info{ALBUM} = $xpath->findvalue('title', $release)->value; @info{qw{ALBUMARTIST ALBUMARTISTSORT}} = get_artist_credits($xpath, $release); $info{DATE} = $xpath->findvalue('date', $release)->value; $info{ORIGINALDATE} = $xpath->findvalue('release-group/first-release-date', $release)->value; $info{LANGUAGE} = $xpath->findvalue('text-representation/language', $release)->value; $info{SCRIPT} = $xpath->findvalue('text-representation/script', $release)->value; # select the proper medium (important for multidisc releases) my ($medium) = $xpath->findnodes("medium-list/medium[disc-list/disc/\@id='$discid']", $release); # disc position info $info{DISCNUMBER} = $xpath->findvalue('position', $medium)->value; $info{DISCTOTAL} = $xpath->findvalue('../@count', $medium)->value; #my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $tracknum = 1; for my $track_node ($xpath->findnodes('track-list/track', $medium)) { my $prefix = sprintf('TRACK%02d', $tracknum); $info{"$prefix.MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID"} = $xpath->findvalue('@id', $track_node)->value; my ($recording) = $xpath->findnodes('recording', $track_node); $info{"$prefix.MUSICBRAINZ_RECORDINGID"} = $xpath->findvalue('@id', $recording)->value; $info{"$prefix.TITLE"} = $xpath->findvalue('title', $recording)->value; @info{"$prefix.ARTIST", "$prefix.ARTISTSORT"} = get_artist_credits($xpath, $recording); #my $uri = URI->new("$recording_mbid"); #$uri->query_form(inc => 'artists'); #my $res = $ua->get($uri); #die $res->decoded_content; #TODO: get track relations (Covers, etc.) $tracknum++; } return \%info; } sub get_artist_credits { my ($xpath, $context_node) = @_; # use the MusicBrainz join phrase to build up the multiple artist credits my ($credit, $sort_credit) = ('', ''); for my $credit_node ($xpath->findnodes('artist-credit/name-credit', $context_node)) { $credit .= $xpath->findvalue('concat(artist/name, @joinphrase)', $credit_node)->value; $sort_credit .= $xpath->findvalue('concat(artist/sort-name, @joinphrase)', $credit_node)->value; } return ($credit, $sort_credit); } # module return 1;