#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use FindBin qw{$RealBin}; use lib "$RealBin/lib"; use Ripper; use File::Spec::Functions qw{catfile splitpath}; use File::Path qw{mkpath}; use Getopt::Long qw{:config no_ignore_case no_auto_abbrev}; use Cwd; use Audio::FLAC::Header; GetOptions( 'device|D=s' => \my $CD_DEVICE, 'output|o=s' => \my $OUTPUT_NAME, 'force|f' => \my $FORCE, 'barcode|b=s' => \my $BARCODE, ); # output file die "Usage: $0 -o [-D ]\n" unless $OUTPUT_NAME; my (undef, $out_dir, $out_file) = splitpath($OUTPUT_NAME); # automatically add ".flac" $out_file .= '.flac' unless $out_file =~ /\.flac$/; # default to current directory $out_dir ||= getcwd; mkpath($out_dir) unless -e $out_dir; my $archive_flac = catfile($out_dir, $out_file); # check for file exist; default to not overwrite die "$archive_flac exists\nwill not overwrite (use --force to override this)\n" if -e $archive_flac && !$FORCE; # get the CD info $CD_DEVICE ||= '/dev/cdrom'; my $ripper = Ripper->new({ device => $CD_DEVICE }); $ripper->rip_to_flac($archive_flac); if ($BARCODE) { print "Writing barcode\n"; system 'metaflac', '--set-tag', "BARCODE=$BARCODE", $archive_flac; } print "Rip saved as $archive_flac\n"; system 'eject', $CD_DEVICE;