package BookmarkApp; use strict; use warnings; use base qw{CGI::Application}; use CGI::Application::Plugin::TT; use Encode; use HTTP::Date qw{time2isoz time2iso}; use JSON; use Bookmarks; use URI; sub setup { my $self = shift; $self->mode_param(path_info => 1); $self->run_modes([qw{ list feed view view_field create edit }]); my $url = $self->query->url; $url .= '/' unless $url =~ m{/$}; my $base_uri = URI->new($url); my $bookmarks = Bookmarks->new({ dbname => $self->param('dbname'), base_uri => $base_uri, }); $self->param( base_uri => $base_uri, bookmarks => $bookmarks, ); } sub _bookmarks { $_[0]->param('bookmarks') } sub _get_list_links { my $self = shift; my ($self_type, $query) = @_; my @links = ( { text => 'JSON', type => 'application/json', query => { %$query, format => 'json', }, }, { text => 'XBEL', type => 'application/xml', query => { %$query, format => 'xbel', }, }, { text => 'Atom', type => 'application/atom+xml', path => 'feed', query => { %$query, }, }, { text => 'CSV', type => 'text/csv', query => { %$query, format => 'csv', }, }, { text => 'URI List', type => 'text/uri-list', query => { %$query, format => 'text', }, }, { text => 'HTML', type => 'text/html', query => { %$query, }, }, ); for my $link (@links) { $link->{rel} = $link->{type} eq $self_type ? 'self' : 'alternate'; $link->{href} = URI->new_abs($link->{path} || '', $self->param('base_uri')); $link->{href}->query_form($link->{query}); } return @links; } sub list { my $self = shift; my $q = $self->query; # check for a uri param, and if there is one present, # see if a bookmark for that URI already exists if (defined(my $uri = $q->param('uri'))) { my $bookmark = $self->_bookmarks->get_bookmark({ uri => $uri }); if ($bookmark) { # redirect to the view of the existing bookmark $self->header_type('redirect'); $self->header_props( -uri => $q->url . '/' . $bookmark->{id}, ); return; } else { # bookmark was not found; show the form to create a new bookmark $bookmark->{uri} = $uri; $bookmark->{title} = $q->param('title'); $self->header_props( -type => 'text/html', -charset => 'UTF-8', -status => 404, ); return $self->tt_process( '', $bookmark, ); } } # list all the bookmarks my $format = $q->param('format') || 'html'; my @tags = grep { $_ ne '' } $q->param('tag'); my $query = $q->param('q'); my $limit = $q->param('limit'); my $offset = $q->param('offset'); my @resources = $self->_bookmarks->get_bookmarks({ query => $query, tag => \@tags, limit => $limit, offset => $offset, }); my @all_tags = $self->_bookmarks->get_tags({ selected => $tags[0] }); my @cotags = $self->_bookmarks->get_cotags({ query => $query, tag => \@tags, }); my $title = 'Bookmarks' . (@tags ? " tagged as " . join(' & ', @tags) : '') . ($query ? " matching '$query'" : ''); if ($format eq 'json') { $self->header_props( -type => 'application/json', -charset => 'UTF-8', ); return decode_utf8( JSON->new->utf8->convert_blessed->encode({ bookmarks => \@resources, }) ); } elsif ($format eq 'xbel') { require XML::XBEL; #TODO: conditional support; if XML::XBEL is not present, return a 5xx response my $xbel = XML::XBEL->new; $xbel->new_document({ title => $title, }); for my $bookmark (@resources) { my $cdatetime = time2isoz $bookmark->ctime; my $mdatetime = time2isoz $bookmark->mtime; # make the timestamps W3C-correct s/ /T/ foreach ($cdatetime, $mdatetime); $xbel->add_bookmark({ href => $bookmark->uri, title => $bookmark->title, desc => 'Tags: ' . join(', ', @{ $bookmark->tags }), added => $cdatetime, #XXX: are we sure that modified is the mtime of the bookmark or the resource? modified => $mdatetime, }); } $self->header_props( -type => 'application/xml', -charset => 'UTF-8', ); return $xbel->toString; } elsif ($format eq 'text') { $self->header_props( -type => 'text/uri-list', -charset => 'UTF-8', ); return join '', map { sprintf "# %s\n# Tags: %s\n%s\n", $_->title, join(', ', @{ $_->tags }), $_->uri } @resources; } elsif ($format eq 'csv') { require Text::CSV::Encoded; my $csv = Text::CSV::Encoded->new({ encoding => 'utf8' }); my $text = qq{id,uri,title,tags,ctime,mtime\n}; for my $bookmark (@resources) { my $success = $csv->combine( $bookmark->id, $bookmark->uri, $bookmark->title, join(' ', @{ $bookmark->tags }), $bookmark->ctime, $bookmark->mtime, ); $text .= $csv->string . "\n" if $success; } # include the local timestamp in the attchment filename my $dt = time2iso; $dt =~ s/[^\d]//g; $self->header_props( -type => 'text/csv', -charset => 'UTF-8', -attachment => 'bookmarks-' . join('_', @tags) . "-$dt.csv", ); return $text; } else { $self->header_props( -type => 'text/html', -charset => 'UTF-8', ); # set the base URL, adding a trailing slash if needed my $base_url = $q->url; $base_url .= '/' if $base_url =~ m{/bookmarks$}; return $self->tt_process( '', { base_url => $base_url, title => $title, query => $query, selected_tag => $tags[0], search_tags => \@tags, links => [ $self->_get_list_links('text/html', { q => $query, tag => \@tags }) ], all_tags => \@all_tags, cotags => \@cotags, resources => \@resources, }, ); } } sub feed { my $self = shift; my $q = $self->query; my $query = $q->param('q'); my @tags = grep { $_ ne '' } $q->param('tag'); my $title = 'Bookmarks' . (@tags ? " tagged as " . join(' & ', @tags) : ''); require XML::Atom; $XML::Atom::DefaultVersion = "1.0"; require XML::Atom::Feed; require XML::Atom::Entry; require XML::Atom::Link; require XML::Atom::Category; my $feed = XML::Atom::Feed->new; $feed->title($title); my $feed_uri = URI->new_abs('feed', $self->param('base_uri')); $feed_uri->query_form(tag => \@tags); $feed->id($feed_uri->canonical); for my $link ($self->_get_list_links('application/atom+xml', { q => $query, tag => \@tags })) { my $atom_link = XML::Atom::Link->new; $atom_link->type($link->{type}); $atom_link->rel($link->{rel}); $atom_link->href($link->{href}->canonical); $feed->add_link($atom_link); } # construct a feed from the most recent 12 bookmarks for my $bookmark ($self->_bookmarks->get_bookmarks({ query => $query, tag => \@tags, limit => 12 })) { my $entry = XML::Atom::Entry->new; $entry->id($bookmark->bookmark_uri->canonical); $entry->title($bookmark->title); my $link = XML::Atom::Link->new; $link->href($bookmark->uri); $entry->add_link($link); $entry->summary('Tags: ' . join(', ', @{ $bookmark->tags })); my $cdatetime = time2isoz $bookmark->ctime; my $mdatetime = time2isoz $bookmark->mtime; # make the timestamp W3C-correct s/ /T/ foreach ($cdatetime, $mdatetime); $entry->published($cdatetime); $entry->updated($mdatetime); for my $tag (@{ $bookmark->tags }) { my $category = XML::Atom::Category->new; $category->term($tag); $entry->add_category($category); } $feed->add_entry($entry); } $self->header_props( -type => 'application/atom+xml', -charset => 'UTF-8', ); return $feed->as_xml; } sub view { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->param('id'); my $format = $self->query->param('format') || 'html'; my $bookmark = $self->_bookmarks->get_bookmark({ id => $id }); if ($bookmark) { if ($format eq 'json') { $self->header_props( -type => 'application/json', -charset => 'UTF-8', ); return decode_utf8(JSON->new->utf8->convert_blessed->encode($bookmark)); } else { # display the bookmark form for this bookmark $bookmark->{exists} = 1; $bookmark->{created} = "Created " . localtime($bookmark->ctime); $bookmark->{created} .= '; Updated ' . localtime($bookmark->mtime) unless $bookmark->ctime == $bookmark->mtime; $self->header_props( -type => 'text/html', -charset => 'UTF-8', ); return $self->tt_process( '', $bookmark, ); } } else { $self->header_props( -type => 'text/html', -charset => 'UTF-8', -status => 404, ); return "Bookmark $id Not Found"; } } sub view_field { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->param('id'); my $field = $self->param('field'); my $bookmark = $self->_bookmarks->get_bookmark({ id => $id }); if ($bookmark) { # respond with just the requested field as plain text my $value = eval { $bookmark->$field }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /Can't locate object method/) { $self->header_props( -type => 'text/plain', -charset => 'UTF-8', -status => 404, ); return qq{"$field" is not a valid bookmark data field}; } else { die $@; } } $self->header_props( -type => 'text/plain', -charset => 'UTF-8', ); return ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ? join(' ', @{ $value }) : $value; } else { $self->header_props( -type => 'text/html', -charset => 'UTF-8', -status => 404, ); return "Bookmark $id Not Found"; } } sub create { my $self = shift; my $q = $self->query; my $uri = $q->param('uri'); my $title = $q->param('title'); my @tags = split ' ', $q->param('tags'); my $bookmark = $self->_bookmarks->add({ uri => $uri, title => $title, tags => \@tags, }); =begin my $location = URI->new($q->url); $location->query_form(uri => $uri) if defined $q->url_param('uri'); $location->fragment('updated'); =cut # return to the form $self->header_type('redirect'); $self->header_props( -uri => $bookmark->bookmark_uri->canonical, -status => 303, ); } sub edit { my $self = shift; my $q = $self->query; my $id = $self->param('id'); my $bookmark = $self->_bookmarks->get_bookmark({ id => $id }); if ($bookmark) { # update the URI, title, and tags $bookmark->uri($q->param('uri')); $bookmark->title($q->param('title')); $bookmark->tags([ split ' ', $q->param('tags') || '' ]); # write to the database $self->_bookmarks->update($bookmark); # return to the form $self->header_type('redirect'); $self->header_props( -uri => $bookmark->bookmark_uri->canonical, -status => 303, ); } else { $self->header_props( -type => 'text/html', -charset => 'UTF-8', -status => 404, ); return "Bookmark $id Not Found"; } } 1;